Chuck Turner’s revival – Entertainment News


chuck-turnerSEVEN years after becoming a Christian, former dancehall singer Chuck Turner is determined revive his career after surviving life-threatening injuries.

Turner, best known for songs like I Miss You, Runaround Girl and Tears, says he has been to “hell and back”.

He endured a challenging period that began in March,  1989 when he was involved in an auto accident which left him in a coma for three  days.

After his release from the Kingston Public Hospital, Turner (real  name Norris Hill) went to the United States to continue treatment.

By October 1989 he was performing again, but while leaving a  Manhattan club named Undergound with friends, he was robbed and shot in the  head.

He was rushed to nearby St Vincent Hospital where he remained in a  coma for five weeks.

According to 50-year-old Turner, he emerged from the coma “half  the man I was”.

“I wasn’t able to walk, talk or see. I could hear talking but  couldn’t see,” he recalled. “I also lost most of my memory and my face was  disfigured. I had become so depressed I would cry every day.”

chuck turner

Turner says he was so depressed he attempted suicide.

Dr Alfred Dawes, a laparoscopic surgeon, says Turner is fortunate  to be alive.

“It is possible to recover from a traumatic brain injury as it  shuts down for a time until underlying conditions are reversed. He is a lucky  man, though to recover   twice,” Dr Dawes told the Jamaica Observer.

In 2006, Turner became a Christian and began recording  inspirational songs. His latest production, Tribulation, was recently  released.

It is the follow-up to another song, I Am a Real Blessed Man.  Turner spoke about his change in lifestyle.

“I have managed to put all thoughts of revenge behind me now. I  feel more at peace since I’ve started the Christian walk,” he said.