Jamaica turns back 19 Chinese nationals under coronavirus travel ban 

Jamaica, over the weekend, acted on the travel ban to and from China, with local authorities sending back 19 Chinese nationals as the island seeks to minimise the risk from the deadly coronavirus outbreak globally.

It is understood that the Chinese, on a vacation trip, arrived on the island Friday night at the Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA).

They were denied entry and placed in quarantine in a holding area in Kingston before being sent back home on Saturday morning.

On Thursday the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the outbreak of the coronavirus an international emergency, with Jamaica following up by imposing a travel ban to and from China on Friday.

China is the country where the coronavirus emerged, and where it is most pronounced, with the new strain of the virus killing at least 304 Chinese up to Sunday morning, with another 14,380 being infected across the country.

The virus has spread to at least 25 countries worldwide.

During the ban locally, individuals travelling to Jamaica from China will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days at facilities provided by the Jamaican Government.