KINGSTON, Jamaica — Cats normally are not afraid of creepy things — lizards, rats, and the like — but this ‘Kitty’ is deadly scared of “crawly” things. Get a rat close to her and Miss Kitty goes crazy.
And despite her tough, outgoing, in your face, Dancehall persona, Khadine ‘Miss Kitty’ Hylton says she is a God-fearing person who prays a lot.
Her lifestyle does not necessarily depict her personality, she says. The self-styled “Fluffy Diva” surprisingly, prefers calm, romantic and quiet stuff; she is a real homebody who is in love with her “fluffy, comfy bed”.
Being overweight was a concern to a young Khadine who became a bit self-conscious because of childhood teasing; but as she matured she says she realised that there was a difference between being fat and being “fluffy”.
The Merl Grove High School past student has always displayed leadership qualities from school days – instructing a group of friends daily on whatever the topic might be (and they actually stood around and listened).
Miss Kitty studied Literature at the University of the West Indies and never intended to enter broadcasting. That happened by chance she says.