An alleged gunman was shot dead and three others captured following an attempted robbery, police chase and subsequent shoot-out in Falmouth today.
One of the three gunmen is hospitalised in serious condition.
It’s reported that around noon, the police responded to a call that a motorist was robbed along the North Coast Highway by men in a car.
The suspects pursued and later cornered at the intersection of Cornwall and Newton Streets in Falmouth.
It is reported that the men then got out of the car and challenged the police in a gun battle.
Two of the gunmen tried to escape in the direction of the sea while the others went in the opposite direction.
It is reported that one of the men who headed towards the sea grabbed some fishermen as hostage, but the police shot and killed him.
Another of the gunmen who sustained gunshot wounds is now hospitalised under police guard.
The other two were pursued by the police and were captured hiding behind a wall, where they were arrested without incident.