BRISTOL POST/SWNS.COMGRIM: A walker found the human remains in woodlandsThe walker discovered the body parts in woodlands near Cribbs Causeway in Bristol at around 4.30pm on Thursday.A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset police said: “A thorough examination of the scene will now be carried out and a cordon has been put in place.”Our enquiries are at a very early stage so we’re unable to go into any more detail at the moment.”
BRISTOL POST/SWNS.COMPROBE: Police continue to investigate the discovery
BRISTOL POST/SWNS.COMA member of the public found the human remains on a walk. But the family of a missing reggae and ska DJ from Bristol have feared the worst after the gruesome discovery.
A national appeal was launched after Derek Serpell-Morris, 73, known as DJ Derek disappeared last July.His great niece Jennifer Griffiths said: “As soon as I heard the news last night I was convinced it was him. I have spoken to the rest of the family and we all feel the same way.”
AVON DJ Derek vanished last July—
She added: “He used to get the bus to Cribbs Causeway all the time.”We always felt that he could of ended up around that area.”