BEFORE Tesha Miller received a sentence, Thursday, almost equalling his age, a character witness told the court that Miller had the fear of God in him.
The witness, who will remain anonymous, told the Home Circuit Court Thursday afternoon that she has known Miller for 16 years and had only one thing to say to him, “Answer the calling of God in your life and walk into your purpose, as I have always said to you.”
The woman, who testified that Miller, 39, began attending church with her after the 2010 Tivoli security forces operation, said she would call him and have Bible studies with him.
In addition, she said Miller, a father of five, attended Bible studies twice weekly.
She said that he would drop off his children to church while he waited inside his vehicle.
The witness, declaring that Miller is a good father, said: “I have seen him interacting with his children. You don’t normally find men embracing their children.”
Citing an excerpt from the social enquiry report, Miller’s attorney Bert Samuels told the court that he is a good father who has played an integral role in his children’s lives.
The lawyer, pointing out that the relationship he has with his children should influence the period of time he spends behind bars, said his client was entitled to a discount.
Another mitigating factor Samuels raised was that the community report was positive and that Miller’s kindness extended beyond his children.
“No one can criticise a judge for showing mercy,” Samuels said, adding that the case against Miller was not the worst of the worst.
Samuels, highlighting a number of cases and the number of years convicts had received for multiple murders, said even though they were not helpful, they should serve as a guide regarding the number of years his client got.
Miller was sentenced to 38 years and nine months for the charge of accessory before the fact, and 18 months for accessory after the fact. Both sentences are to run concurrently.
However, Miller’s legal team had indicated after he was found guilty on December 3, 2019, that they would be seeking to appeal his conviction.
After deliberating for three hours and 12 minutes, a jury consisting of six women and one man handed down a unanimous guilty verdict in the Supreme Court.
The 40-year-old St Catherine welder and father of five, who was charged with being an accessory before and after the fact in relation to the June 27, 2008 killing of then Jamaica Urban Transit Company chairman Douglas Chambers, was convicted on the 11th day of the trial that started on November 13, 2019.