Two Clarendon businessmen killed hours apart 

Two business operators were shot dead by criminals over the last 24 hours in the parish of Clarendon.

In the first incident, a 36-year-old building contractor, Benroy Farquharson, otherwise called ‘Ezra’, of Natalee Boulevard in May Pen, was attacked and gunned down at his residence.

Reports are that about 8:40 p.m., on Wednesday Farquharson was at home when men brandishing firearms kicked open his door and opened fire hitting him several times to the upper body.

It is understood that the attackers had pretended to be police personnel in seeking to gain access to the businessman’s premises.

The police were alerted after the shooting and Farquharson was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Less than eight hours later, investigators were called to Paisley main road just outside of May Pen, where prominent businessman, political activist and contractor, Keith Osbourne, 56, otherwise called ‘Smoker’, was attacked and killed by gunmen while he was overseeing road repair works.

Reports are that about 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Osbourne was standing along the roadway when a Nissan Tiida motorcar with several men was driven up. The police said two men alighted from the vehicle and one of them opened gunfire, hitting Osbourne several times.

The gunmen then drove away from the scene.

Osbourne was later pronounced dead.